South Coldwater Lake Trail

Hike along what remains of the old logging roadbed, through a ghost of a forest above a lake that did not exist before 1980 to find views of hollowed-out Mt. St. Helens and vast swaths of still-scarred terrain.
Total Distance: 6.6 miles
Total Ascent: 1400ft (1300ft in; 100ft out)
Highest Point: 3900ft
Difficulty: Moderate
Our Hiking Time: 3h 15m
Required Permit: Northwest Forest Pass
Take Interstate 5 to Exit 49 for State Route 504 toward Castle Rock/Toutle. Turn east on SR 504 for 46 miles to the South Coldwater Trailhead located on the left side of the road. Privy available. View Google Directions >>
Start your tour from the parking area, following the South Coldwater Trail #230A as it begins climbing the ridge. Quickly crest a small rise and proceed up the back side of the ridge, entering a young forest dominated by alder and willow. After a quiet climb through the trees, leave the canopy at 0.75 mile and take your first steps into open country. Here wildflowers carpet slopes still pocketed with ash.

There's a lot more to South Coldwater Trail, and you can learn all about it in Washington Wildflower Hikes: 50 Destinations. You'll find a trail map, route descriptions, history, and more for this and many other hikes throughout the State. Help support and the work we do by picking up a copy!