Lake Ivanhoe

Backpack out to a stunning and remote alpine lake.
Total Distance: 28.6 miles
Total Ascent: 2900ft (2600ft in; 300ft out)
Highest Point: 4700ft
Difficulty: Moderate
Our Hiking Time: 2 nights
Required Permit: Northwest Forest Pass
Take I-90 out over Snoqualmie Pass to Exit 80. Head left over the freeway following Bullfrog Road to SR 903. Follow 903 16.6 miles through Roslyn and along Cle Elum Lake to an intersection just beyond the Salmon La Sac guard station. Veer left across the bridge on FR 4316 toward the Salmon La Sac Campground. Continue past the campground, keeping right on FR 4616-111 to the end of the road for the Salmon La Sac Trailhead. Privy available. View Google Directions >>
Begin by hiking out to Waptus Lake, continuing to the far end of the lake to reach the Pacific Crest Trail #2000 (PCT). Continue straight ahead over Spade Creek, enjoying the well-trodden PCT for a nearly a mile before reaching the Dutch Miller Gap Trail #1362, signed for Lake Ivanhoe.

Veer right for 0.2 mile to reach Chief Creek, which will likely require a fording. Beyond the creek the trail begins a long climb up forested slopes, first switchbacking upwards before a traverse around the mountainside. Eventually cross a creek and its accompanying waterfall, then it's a short climb brings you to Ivanhoe’s outlet stream. Follow it a short distance to the lake.

There's a lot more to Lake Ivanhoe, and you can learn all about it in Alpine Lakes Wilderness: The Complete Hiking Guide. You'll find a trail map, route descriptions, history, and more for this and many other hikes throughout the State. Help support and the work we do by picking up a copy!

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