Lake Ethel Trail #1585

Work your way through a clearcut forest to reach an alpine lake and the gateway to the Scottish Lakes.
Total Distance: 9.1 miles
Total Ascent: 3500ft (3300ft in; 200ft out)
Highest Point: 5700ft
Difficulty: Easy
Our Hiking Time: 5h 30m
Required Permit: None
Take US 2 out past milepost 79. Before you reach milepost 80, reach the well signed Gill Creek Road (FR 6940) noting the Lake Ethel Trail on the right. Turn down Gill Creek Road, almost immediately cross Nason Creek and keep left at the junction, crossing railroad tracks and again keeping left following the rough and bumpy road 1.4 miles to the marked trailhead. Parking is limited. View Google Directions >>
From the trailhead, the Lake Ethel Trail #1585 leaves the Gill Creek Road and heads into young forest. Soon begin climbing steeply up the mountainside up to the ridgeline. Swing near Gill Creek, tumbling loudly near the trail largely out of sight. Breaks in the trees and short sections of talus offer tastes of views to come – Nason Creek Valley, Nason Ridge, and Highway 2 below.

After 1.5 miles reach the top of the ridge and soon emerge at the edge of the clearcut at a logging road. The trail stays on the ridgeline, cutting across the winding forest road two more times before returning to the forest. Once back in the woods continue your climb, traversing the valley walls above Gill Creek before dropping down toward the lake. Ignore the older trail here that marks a pre-clearcut, now-abandoned approach to Lake Ethel. Stay on the main trail, passing through meadowlands bursting with wildflowers to reach the Alpine Lakes Wilderness at the 4.4-mile mark. Just beyond at 4.5 miles reach the junction with the Roaring Creek Trail #1584 and access to the other Scottish Lakes. For now, keep right and continue to Lake Ethel and a large camping area.

Those planning a longer day or an overnight can follow the Roaring Creek Trail #1584 another 2.7 miles out to Lake Julius, enjoying big views of the Roaring Creek Valley along the way. Beyond Lake Julius, Loch Eileen and Lake Donald await; a full tour of the Scottish Lakes is 3.7 miles down the Roaring Creek Trail, 8.2 miles from the trailhead.

There's a lot more to Lake Ethel, and you can learn all about it in Alpine Lakes Wilderness: The Complete Hiking Guide. You'll find a trail map, route descriptions, history, and more for this and many other hikes throughout the State. Help support and the work we do by picking up a copy!